Differentiation of salmon in Poland and Germany

Godt utvalg av røkte produkter, differensiert på opprinnelse og på vill/oppdrett og økologisk. Foto: Morten Heide © Nofima
Good selection of smoked products in German supermarkets differentiated by origin, whether they were wild or farmed, and whether they were organically produced. Photo: Morten Heide © Nofima

Qualidiff researchers interviewed representatives of salmon producers in Poland and supermarket chains in Germany.

The researchers visited a number of German supermarkets and observed that salmon is differentiated by

  • Origin: Norway, Scotland, Ireland and Alaska
  • Wild / farmed salmon
  • Organically produced
  • ASC or MSC lebelling

“We did not find quality differentiation in the German supermarkets we visited. However, premium products, which communicate higher quality through price and packaging, were present in the market. The interviews provided a lot of interesting information”, says researcher Morten Heide.

The next step is to analyze the interviews carefully to find out how Norwegian salmon products can stand out based on quality characteristics, so that value can be increased.

More pictures from the store shelves in Germany:
(All photos: Morten Heide © Nofima)

De tyske supermarkedene hadde godt utvalg av røkte produkter, som var differensiert på opprinnelse og om de var økologisk produsert.

The German supermarkets had a good selection of smoked products, which were differentiated by origin and whether they were organically produced.


Fersk naturell ferdigpakket laks finnes i lavpriskjeder i Tyskland. Den er differensiert på ASC-merking.

Fresh natural pre-packaged salmon was found in discount supermarkets in Germany. It was differentiated by ASC labelling.

Mange små fiskedisker i Tyskland domineres av laks.

Small fish counters in Germany are dominated by salmon.

Forskerne fant best utvalg av naturelle lakseprodukter i frysedisk. Disse var differensiert på vill/oppdrett og om de var økologisk produsert.

The researchers found the best selection of natural salmon products in the freezer compartment. These were differentiated by wild/farmed and whether they were organically produced.

Godt utvalg av røkte produkter, differensiert på opprinnelse og på vill/oppdrett.

Good selection of smoked products, differentiated by origin and by wild/farmed.