
Norwegian salmon is a huge success story – but could it get even bigger?

By Audun Iversen, Scientist at Nofima The salmon industry creates thousands of jobs along the coast. Its export…

Godt utvalg av røkte produkter, differensiert på opprinnelse og på vill/oppdrett og økologisk. Foto: Morten Heide © Nofima

Differentiation of salmon in Poland and Germany

Qualidiff researchers interviewed representatives of salmon producers in Poland and supermarket chains in Germany. The researchers visited a…

Interviews in Japan and the USA

Qualidiff researcher Yuko Onozaka (University of Stavanger) has conducted several qualitative in-depth interviews with consumers in Kashiwa, Japan…

Hvilke egenskaper ved laksen bør produsenten fremheve? Strategier for dette er gjenstand for forskningen i Qualidiff-prosjektet.

Quality as a strategy for salmon

Can the value of salmon be increased in ways other than producing more or cutting costs? That is…